Search Results
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Sermon - "Profound Miracles of Pentecost" - Rev Dr Sharon L Mook
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Sermon - "Profound Miracles of Pentecost" - Rev Dr Sharon L Mook - SB Audio
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Welcome and Announcements - Rev Dr Sharon L Mook
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Prayers of the People - Dr Mook; The Prayer that Jesus Taught
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Call to Worship - Cameron Crawford-Mook
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Special Time with the Children - Dr Mook and Church Mouse talk about Listening
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Charge and Benediction - Dr Mook
FSPC - 25 May 2014 - Prayers of the People - Dr Mook; The Prayer Jesus Taught
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - The Second Reading - Cameron Crawford Mook
FSPC - RTR - 05 - Comments from Rev Dr Sharon L Mook; Prayer by Dr Mook
FSPC - 18 May 2014 - Special Time with the Children - Rev Dr Sharon L Mook
FSPC - 15 June 2014 - Sharing the Peace of the Living Christ - Kristian Wright; Ray Staroscik, Music